Review key details about how and when to contact App Xchange Support.
Email with [Company Name] - [Issue Summary] as your subject line to submit a support ticket.
A support agent will contact you within four business hours. In the case of a critical service outage that would impact all customers, our first response will occur within two business hours.
App Xchange Support Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. US Central Time (excluding holidays)
Maintenance Window
App Xchange performs standard maintenance every Wednesday from 9pm–11:59pm US Central Time. You do not need to contact Support if you experience an outage or performance issue during the standard Wednesday maintenance window.
Ticket Submission Best Practices
To ensure efficient and effective resolution of your issues, we recommend following these best practices when submitting support tickets.
Specify the Issue Clearly
Provide a concise and descriptive subject line for your support ticket.
Describe your issue, including any error messages, system behavior, or discrepancies.
Clearly communicate the impact of the issue on your business operations. Is it a minor inconvenience, a critical problem, or something in between?
State your expected outcome when this ticket is resolved.
Include Relevant Information
Mention the integration and the specific dataflow or process the issue affects. Reference specific data whenever possible.
Indicate the date and time when the problem occurred.
Specify any recent changes or actions your company has taken that might be related to the problem (i.e. server upgrades, ERP changes).
Describe the steps you have already taken to troubleshoot the problem. Include any actions you have performed to isolate, resolve, or work around the issue.
Mention if you have worked with other systems' support teams or consultants.
Avoid Support Ticket Pitfalls
Avoid overly general or vague descriptions such as "It is not working." Tickets that contain relevant, specific information have faster turnaround times.
Avoid forwarding lengthy email chains. If it is necessary, please provide a brief summary.
Do not respond to old tickets (closed for >1 week) to report a new or related issue. Instead, please send a new email or open a new ticket, which will get the issue resolved faster.
Stay Engaged
Check your email regularly for updates from our team.
Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or clarification.
How Support Works
App Xchange Support strives to resolve all issues as quickly as possible. However, App Xchange Support uses a triage system in order to resolve the most impactful and urgent issues first. These are the four levels of impact we assign to different support issues as well as the maximum time for initial acknowledgment you can expect for each one.
Critical | 1 Business Day
The issue affects multiple customers or carries significant security and functionality risks.
High | 2 Business Days
The issue impacts multiple customers and has no acceptable workaround.
Medium | 4 Business Days
The issue impacts usability for one customer, but has an acceptable workaround.
Low | 6 Business Days
The issue minimally impacts usability and has an acceptable workaround.